Region: Liberecký kraj | District: Česká Lípa | Town: Doksy | Location: Doksy

Rekreační středisko Skalka

Štědrá number of descriptive 277, 47201 Doksy 0 km from city center Doksy
Capacity 75 beds
Accommodation from 200 Kč
Obecný "Boarding:breakfast/ half board/ full board.
Sanitary facility:own in the room (apartment and five bed cottage)/ shared.
Description of the lodgings: The Recreation centre Skalka is situated in the quiet background of the wood by the road in the direction to the settlement Skalka by Doksy (cca 1 km from the town Doksy).
The rooms are standard and stylish equipped by basic furniture and placed in the main building, where is the restaurant with a fire-place, the daily bar too. We accommodate in one apartment with one ´s own sanitary facility and TV. The equipped five bed cottage (with one ´s own sanitary facility, a kitchen and TV) is suited for family recreation. We offer accommodation in nine four bed cottages too.
In the area there is disposable a pool, a play-ground for ball games, table tennis and a fire-place. You can lend a bike for trips to surroundings. It is cca 20 minutes by walking to the beach.
The object is suitable for schools in nature, collective staying, family celebration, company actions, schoolings, seminars, childish camps, meetings, etc.
More information you find on the web-sides of the object.
Parking: in the fenced area of the centre.


  počet lůžek cena / osoba / den/ se snídaní
pokoje 2-5 360 Kč
apartmán 2 480 Kč
přistýlka 1 150 Kč


počet lůžek cena /  den
4 (2 palandy) 2 osoby 640 Kč/ se snídaní


  cena / objekt / týden
 ubytování až 5-ti osob 7 000 Kč


Sleva We provide big discounts for company actions, collectives, schools in nature.
Lůžka 2-4 bedroom, double bed apartment, four bed cottages, five bed cottage
Updated on: 11.10.2016
Rekreační středisko Skalka
GPS: 50.5635789,14.6503108
Address: Štědrá number of descriptive 277, 47201 Doksy
Phone: +420 487 872 454
Mobil: +420 603 804 928, +420 602 479 939

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